Monday, October 28, 2019

Prayer to St. Jude Thaddeus

St. Apostle! St. Jude, faithful servant and friend of our Lord Jesus Christ! The name of the traitor whom delivered your Master into the hands of his enemies has been the cause you have been forgotten by many; but the Church honors you and invoques you universally as the patron of the tough and hopeless cases. Pray for me. I am helpless and so desolate. Make use, we beseech thee, of the special privilege given to you, to help quickly and visibly when almost all hope is lost. Come in my aid in this great necessity so that I may receive solace and help from heaven in all my needs, tribulations and sufferings, particularly (mention your petition), and so that I may praise God with you and all of the elect for ever. I promise, glorious St. Jude, never to forget this great favor, to honor you always as my special and powerful patron, and with gratitude, do all that is in my power to promote your devotion. Amen. 

(Say three Our Fathers, three Hail Marys and three Glory Be)

For critical information to save your soul, please visit this website

Sunday, October 9, 2016

Saint Peter’s Chair: 58 years of vacancy

On October 9th 1958, Pope Pius XII died in Castel Gandolfo (Italy), 58 years ago. Since then up to now, the last six men who have portrayed themselves in the eyes of the world as the popes (From John XXIII to Francis), have been and are usurpers antipopes of Saint Peter’s throne. This is because all them have been and are manifest heretics, and the Catholic Church teaches that an heretic cannot be validly elected for the Papacy.

There are many objections launched against the sedevacantist position – that is, the position expounded according to which the Chair of St. Peter is vacant because the post-Vatican II “popes” are not true popes, but non-Catholic antipopes. Here you have addressed all of the major objections that are launched against this position.

For more information about what really happened to the Catholic Church in the last decades, watch the documentary The Third Secret of Fatima. Also visit for critical information to save your soul.

(Note: blue color = hyperlinks)