Sunday, October 9, 2016

Saint Peter’s Chair: 58 years of vacancy

On October 9th 1958, Pope Pius XII died in Castel Gandolfo (Italy), 58 years ago. Since then up to now, the last six men who have portrayed themselves in the eyes of the world as the popes (From John XXIII to Francis), have been and are usurpers antipopes of Saint Peter’s throne. This is because all them have been and are manifest heretics, and the Catholic Church teaches that an heretic cannot be validly elected for the Papacy.

There are many objections launched against the sedevacantist position – that is, the position expounded according to which the Chair of St. Peter is vacant because the post-Vatican II “popes” are not true popes, but non-Catholic antipopes. Here you have addressed all of the major objections that are launched against this position.

For more information about what really happened to the Catholic Church in the last decades, watch the documentary The Third Secret of Fatima. Also visit for critical information to save your soul.

(Note: blue color = hyperlinks)

Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Friday, January 8, 2016

The Antipope Francis Video – His Apostasy Through “Inter-religious Dialogue”

By: Most Holy Family Monastery

This is an official new video that was just released by Antipope Francis on Jan. 6, 2016.  This under 2 minute video powerfully captures the bold and public apostasy of Jorge Bergoglio. The video is completely blasphemous and heretical. Antipope Francis clearly puts the one true God on a par with false gods, and the one true religion on a par with false religions. This should be all a person needs to see to realize that Francis is an apostate antipope who does not profess the Catholic faith. 

… This video sums up the heretical beliefs of the Vatican II sect in a nutshell.  How anyone could watch this video and not see that Francis is an Anti-Pope and that the Vatican II sect is a false religion and NOT the Holy Roman Catholic Church is beyond me!!
MHFM: Yes, as bold as his apostasy is, he’s simply implementing and repeating what was taught and displayed by Vatican II, Antipope John Paul II, and Antipope Benedict XVI.  
• This video is a public message from Antipope Francis that he does not regard Christianity as the one true religion or the only path to God.  Buddhism, Islam, etc. are also paths to God, according to him.  Worshipping the false gods of non-Catholic/non-Christian religions is a way to God, according to him.  Really, apostasy doesn’t get much more bold.
• Francis says that “there is only one certainty we have for all”, that all “believers” of various religions are supposedly “children of God”.  Of course, it’s heresy to say that non-Catholics are children of God.  People only become children of God when they enter the true faith of Jesus Christ, the Catholic faith, as the Catholic Church and the New Testament clearly teach.  Antipope Francis’ statement that there’s only one certainty (i.e. the aforementioned heresy about the followers of all religions supposedly being “children of God”) is also a denial of the certainty of Jesus Christ’s unique revelation about Himself: that He is true God and true man, that He is the only way to God, etc.  Francis’ statement also denies the certainty of all dogmatic teachings of the Catholic Church. 
• To those who have “confidence in Buddha”, among other things, Antipope Francis says: “I have confidence in your prayers”.  Francis thus encourages and expresses confidence in prayers to Buddha.  He thus expresses confidence in Buddha.  He also expresses confidence in prayers to the false god of Islam, etc.  
• In addition to the other undeniable expressions of apostasy in this video, Francis’s video directly puts the Christ Child on an equal level with a statue of Buddha and the symbols of Islamic and Jewish ‘worship’.  This video, officially released by Antipope Francis on Jan. 6 and promoted by the Vatican, is truly a remarkable and audacious expression of apostasy from the idolatrous non-Catholic antipope.

Tuesday, January 5, 2016

The epiphany

Gospel According to St. Matthew 2: 9-12

They (the Three wise men) went their way; and behold the star which they had seen in the East, went before them, until it came and stood over where the child was. And seeing the star they rejoiced with exceeding great joy. And entering into the house, they found the child with Mary his mother, and falling down they adored him: and opening their treasures, they offered him gifts; gold, frankincense, and myrrh. And having received an answer in sleep that they should not return to Herod, they went back another way into their country.

Extremely important information for the salvation of the souls, visit:

Sunday, January 3, 2016

Alert: Revelation 18:2, Just Happened

By: Brother Peter Dimond O.S.B.
Most holy Family Monastery

In this must-see video is showed the relation between the "fiat lux" event of the Vatican and the fullfilment of the Revelation 18,2.