Sunday, December 6, 2015

Mary’s Sinlessness: A Biblical Documentary

By: Bro. Peter Dimond O.S.B  from Most Holy Family Monastery

This is a must-see new video. It covers many things people have not heard before. Among numerous other things, this video shows, with an extremely important new argument, how Mary’s sinlessness is actually proven by an epistle of St. Paul and the admissions of Protestants. Among the many issues covered are: Luke 1:28; Ephesians 1:6; the use, meaning and significance of kecharitomene [κεχαριτωμένη], echaritosen [ἐχαρίτωσεν], charitoo [χαριτῶ]; ‘full of grace’; amomous [ἀμώμους]; preservation from sin; Redemption; grace; the meaning and effects of original sin; concupiscence (the ‘fomes peccati’); Old Testament justification; Adam and Eve; regeneration; the teaching of Trent; Mary as the New Eve; Mary as ‘the woman’ of Genesis 3:15; Mary as the New Ark; episkiazo [ἐπισκιάζω]; Mary’s name; the vocative case; the ‘seed of the woman’; ploutos [πλοῦτος]; and much more. This video also contains sections that refute the objections most commonly advanced against Mary’s Immaculate Conception and sinlessness: e.g. from 1 John 1:8 and Romans. This video is a must-see for anyone interested in Christianity, the Catholic faith, Catholic apologetics, salvation, the Bible, the teaching of the New Testament, and the truth.

Saturday, May 23, 2015

The third secret of Fatima

The following video is called: The third secret of Fátima; this video explains in detail the truth about What really Happened to the Catholic Church in the last 60 years, as a consequence of the infamous Second Vatican Council (1962-1965).

(Author: Bro. Michael Dimond O.S.B.)

2 hour 30 minute must-see video: The Third Secret of Fatima (3rd edition)